Foundations for a
Sustainable & Prosperous World The contents of these 4 Pillars
are derived from the 2002
Earth Charter ...with various editing & additions. Also read
the 1972 UN Declaration on
Our Human Environment

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Human Rights
& Social Fairness

Human Rights
& Social Fairness

Globally Cooperative
& Generous Governments

Environmentally Responsible
Governments & Economies

Teaching Social
& Ecological Values

Human Rights
& Social Fairness

10 Kinds of Human Rights

  1. Security – ensure human security and safety for everyone, free from threats of violence and forced enslavement.
  2. Survival – ensure healthy food, clean water, and adequate shelter for everyone.
  3. Health – ensure health care and health safety for everyone.
  4. Education – ensure the availability of a basic education and life-skills for everyone.
  5. Freedom – ensure freedom of speech, beliefs, religion, lifestyle, choices, artistic creations, and group gatherings;
    as long as this is not judicially judged as harmful to other people or to a sustainable & unpolluted natural environment.
  6. Justice – ensure equal justice and fair civil laws for everyone, without systemic prejudice, racism, sexism, and without economic or social oppression.
  7. Economic Opportunities – ensure non-discriminating economic opportunities for everyone – for securing personal and family survival, along with increased opportunities for economic advancement.
  8. Democratic Participation – ensure equal opportunity to participate in national and community decisions, with equal access to voting and minority-inclusive representation.
  9. Communication – ensure freedom in social communication, media, news, and information-access; without government surveillance violating people's right-to-privacy, though with reasonable restrictions on inciting violence, excessive media violence, and sexual or violent content intended for children.
  10. Special Protections – ensure the safety and equal rights of physically and economically vulnerable persons, such as: women & children, elderly & disabled, homeless & poor, farmers & laborers, minorities & indigenous, migrants & refugees, imprisoned & politically detained.

Ensure Basic Human Needs

– Ensure a basic economic security for human survival.

– Ensure access to nutritious food, clean water, adequate sanitation, protective shelter, and a safe & healthy environment.

– Increase access to healthcare, medicines, counseling, maternity needs and family planning.

Protect Human Safety

human safety is a human right

– Ensure a safe shelter and residence for all people.

– Provide a safe refuge in another area or country, in cases of emergency or dangerous conflicts.

– Protect the safety of women, children, and all socially vulnerable persons.

– Reduce and finally end all armed conflicts and weaponized threats.

– Reduce and finally end all domestic and societal violence.

– Maintain a healthy natural environment for all communities.

Equal & Fair Justice

equal & fair justice is a civil right

– Governments should have a fair and equal justice system, to resolve conflicts and decide a fair and just reparation for any evident harms to others, to other's property, or to the common environment.

– Equal laws for everyone in a nation or community, without discrimination.

– No physical violence against others, nor threats of violence, nor encouragement of violence.

– No harm to or depletion of the common environment or public resources, without financial compensation.

– Fair procedural processes to determine guilt, and determine a fair recompense, reparation, or punishment if judged to be guilty.

– No detainment without reason, no assumptions of guilt without proof, no secret trials, no slavery, no torture, and no physical threats.

– An equitable compensation for a person's labor, invention, or contribution to society.

Equal Freedoms

All people have a human right
to the following freedoms,
without prejudice or discrimination
towards any gender, race,
ethnic, religious or cultural groups,
nor towards any minority political affiliations.

All people should have the freedom of:

– beliefs & opinions

– speech & creative expression

– religious & cultural practices

– personal privacy & chosen lifestyle

– social & political affiliation

– peaceful assembly & political dissent

– public discussion & uncensored debate

Educational Opportunities

– Increase everyone's access to education,
skills-learning and technical know-how.

– Promote educational contributions
from all sciences, arts, and philosophies.

– Provide youth and all ages with the knowledge and skills needed to be more self-reliant and self-responsible, to solve problems and help people, to participate in governing decisions, and to improve society and the world.

– Provide extra educational help for those with learning difficulties.

Opportunities to Participate
in Government

– Every adult has the right to speak about and participate in their local and national government, without any discrimination.

– Promote more inclusive participation and diversity representation in government agencies and governing decisions.

– Promote more participation of women as decision makers and leaders, in all aspects of government, economics, health, and education.

– Encourage and enable younger adults to participate more in governing discussions, decisions and plans for the future.

– Increase opportunities for grassroots democracy, residential initiatives and referendums, voting and diversity-proportional representation.

– Increase transparency and accountability in government decisions & policies, and in any proposed community or economic development plans.

– Eliminate government corruption, bribery, and excessive influence from large corporations, investment coalitions and industries.

Economic Rights

– Everyone has a human right to a basic economic security, including sufficient food, clean water, adequate shelter, sanitation and healthcare.

– Guaranteed care for all children, elderly, and disabled persons.

– Job opportunities for everyone, with safe work-places and fair equitable pay; employment for everyone willing to work.

– Equal opportunities to gain the education and skills needed to either start a business or to be employed or for job/pay advancement.

– Business opportunities (with helpful capital-loans) and fair market trade.

– Government subsidies or low-interest loans to need-targeted communities, for starting new businesses or for employing any of the local unemployed, in jobs that benefit the community in some way, either in the social sphere of the community or in the caretaking of the surrounding ecosystems of that region.

Rights of Ownership

– The right to own personal property or a business.

– The right to buy or trade goods, services, property or investments.

– The right to protect the ownership of one's own artistic creations, writings and inventions.

– The rights of indigenous people to their sacred lands, natural resources, and cultural lifestyles.

– The right of communities to socially-determine the degree of public land and industries, within their living & work areas.

– The right to not be controlled or exploited by self-serving economic powers.

Globally Cooperative
& Generous Governments

Human Rights
& Social Fairness

Globally Cooperative
& Generous Governments

Environmentally Responsible
Governments & Economies

Teaching Social
& Ecological Values

Globally Cooperative
& Generous Governments

World International Agreements

(that all governments can agree to and promote)

– International Peace & Collaboration

– Fundamental Human Rights   (see the section on Human Rights)

– Ensuring Basic Needs   (food, water, shelter)

– Human Safety & Nonviolence   (personal & community )

– Accessible Healthcare   (and emergency assistance)

– Accessible Education & Skills-learning

– Available Jobs & Fair Pay

– Respect for Diversity   (in beliefs, choices & lifestyles)

– Maximizing Freedoms   (of individuals & groups)

– Economic Fairness & Fair Trade

– Economic Generosity   (helping those in need)

– Protecting our Earth
the natural ecologies and wildlife,
the natural environment and climate,
and treating all animals with ethical standards

Global Dialogue
and Collaboration

– Strengthen the United Nations to be a global arena and global-leading organization, collaboratively working for a healthy and sustainable global environment, healthy global ecosystems, human health, human rights, human safety, and greater prosperity for all people.

– Increase the inclusiveness and diversity of group representation in the global decision-making and agreements of the United Nations.

– Foster collaborative, constructive and transparent dialogue involving representatives of national governments, international economic and social institutions, civil society groups and world academia, regarding current global problems and how to best solve them.

– Collaboratively work to establish international agreements on: environmental and ecological protections, human rights and civil freedoms, social justice and economic security, peace and human security, improving health and education, sustainable development and fair trade, and economic assistance to poorer communities.

– Encourage more citizen dialogue & discussion in social media and world news about important global issues, international policies and agreements, and also encourage grassroots and civil society organizations to help solve global problems.

– Establish independent global monitoring and transparent communication of how international laws and agreements
are being implemented by sovereign nations.

– Establish global and national institutions to help build cooperation (or 'partnership') between governments and private-capital corporations, banks & investment firms;
to collaboratively achieve global environmental & climate goals, and to coordinate international economic assistance to poorer and less developed nations.

International Peace
and Human Safety

– Acknowledge that human safety (from violence, threats of violence, and armed conflicts) is a Human Right.

– Acknowledge that international and regional cooperation
(for solving common global problems and for economic trade) helps achieve global and regional peace.

– Establish an effective United Nations Peacekeeping Force,
along with peacebuilding offices and projects.

– Establish United Nations Conflict-mediation Teams, to help conflicting nations or tribal groups agree on a peaceful compromising resolution.

– Encourage international and civil society Peacebuilding Projects throughout the world, with local participation, including mediation assistance in conflict reconciliation and restorative justice.

– Revise the UN Security Council to be effective in fulfilling its intended function, which is to strengthen peace and security
in the world, through cooperative and transparent dialogue, conflict resolution, and international peace agreements.

– Increase international peace diplomacy, peace treaties, and international collaboration projects; rather than escalating threats, conflicts and wars.

– All nations should mutually agree to significantly disarm
and reduce their militaries, while maintaining only a non-provocative and non-threatening defense for their national security.

– Eliminate all weapons of mass destruction; including nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.

– Ban all outer-space weapons, and ensure that all orbital instruments and materials are used only for peaceful and scientific purposes.

Protect Human Security
and Reduce Violence

– Establish International Peace through dialogue, negotiation, agreements, and consensus-building.

– Establish Peace Agreements and International Laws that will ensure an end to all tribal, racial, and inter-national aggression.

– Establish reliable security and protections for women, children, the elderly, disabled, displaced, refugees and immigrants.

– Establish equal participation in security decisions with proportional gender and race representation in all security
and human rights decision-making.

– Establish norms and best-practices for conflict prevention, crisis management, peaceful settlement of disputes, and
post-conflict peace-building.

– Establish international laws to reduce the production and circulation of assault weapons and small arms.

Social & Economic Responsibilities

Governments are encouraged to promote:

– human rights, civil freedoms, social fairness, equal justice,
and non-discrimination.

– improving the quality of life and living conditions for everyone.

– wider distribution of economic prosperity and opportunities.

– global and regional fair-trade agreements, with fair and safe labor standards.

– sustainable infrastructure for energy supply, economic transport, and digital communication.

– community and regional self-sufficient & self-resilient economies, with localized energy & food production, accessible water sources, and small-scale technologies.

– globally-cooperative solutions to climate-change; such as reducing carbon-emissions, increasing natural carbon-capture, and developing climate adaptation & resilience in regions and communities.

– strengthen community and agricultural resilience against severe heat, droughts, and floods.

– help decentralized locally-controlled agriculture and food systems, with localized freedom to reproduce agricultural seeds unrestricted by seed-patent laws.

– food and technology supply-chains that are un-manipulated by corporate monopolies and industrial cartels.

– local protections from corporate land-grabbing and corporate controlled land-use.

– business-accountability for harms done to communities,
human health, and the natural environment, and establish business-incentives for improving communities, social prosperity, and the natural environment.

International & National
Economic Generosity

Provide Economic Assistance
for poorer nations,
regions and communities

– Wealthier nations are asked to be more economically generous and helpful to poorer nations, with international assistance and loans for sustainable development, ecological regeneration, and climate solutions.

– Relieve poorer nations of excessive debt problems, by decreasing the interest rates on their loans, and by a generous restructuring of debt.

– Relieve excessive dept by debt-for-nature swaps, which trades debt for more ecological conservation and climate-improving projects or policies.

– Implement effective economic measures to achieve a more equitable distribution of wealth and capital, within nations and among nations.

– Wealthier nations are encouraged to donate 5% of their annual GNP into a World Fund for helping poorer nations and communities become ecologically sustainable, climate helpful, and more economically independent, secure and prosperous. Wealthier nations could ask the wealthiest 5% of individuals, families and corporations to pay most of this national donation to the World Fund, by a progressive income, wealth, property and assets tax.

– Private individuals, groups, businesses, multinational corporations and private-equity investment funds are encouraged to voluntarily give Donations (a fixed $ amount or a percentage of assets) or give other forms of free assistance to nations, regions, communities, or projects of their choice.
And governments can 'deduct' these private voluntary donations from those respective wealth or capital-gains taxes.

Increase basic economic security
and improve the living conditions
for all people

– Ensure that all people have food security, clean drinking water, adequate sanitation, safe shelter, and access to healthcare & emergency services.

– Help improve local-reliant food security and food production in regions, cities and communities.

– Help improve local-regional water security.

– Help improve the quality of life for all people and communities.

– Especially helping migrant and refugee camps, the vulnerable and the underprivileged.

– Emergency Relief from the UN and affiliated groups, for regions affected by severe weather or other natural disasters, and for regions affected by armed conflicts.

Increase educational opportunities
for everyone and everywhere

– Increase access to basic and extended education.

– Help support schools and job-skills learning.

Increase job and business opportunities
for everyone and everywhere

– Increase community-benefiting and environmental & climate benefiting job opportunities in each region, city and community.

– Financially assist businesses (private & community-coops)
that are environmentally and socially helpful.

Provide benefiting employment
for all people seeking paid work

– Everyone willing to work should have opportunities for fair-paying work, in order to achieve their economic security or advancement, and for nations to eliminate unemployment and achieve full employment.

– If sufficient job opportunities are not available from the private-sector (capitalism), then the government (national, regional, or local) should organise/initiate 'public services and projects' that are socially-beneficial and/or ecologically-beneficial, in order to employ all people seeking paid work (who could not find work in the private-sector).

– This will effectively eliminate all unemployment of those seeking work, and in addition this will: (a) benefit the local community, the regional infrastructure, and/or the regional ecology; while also (b) eliminate the public need to provide direct economic assistance for the unemployed.

– In order to finance these public services and projects, governments (national, regional, and local) will need to acquire sufficient revenue from progressive taxation on income, wealth and property; and government funding (for poorer nations) can also come from international aide assistance and from international bank or investment loans.

– This government public money can then be used to pay for the social & ecological beneficial services and projects, which includes paying the employed workers and maintaining full employment in every community and city.

– Regions, communities and cities with the most needs and the most unemployed can be specially prioritized and targeted for government grants, subsidies and low-interest (or zero-interest) loans – given to regional and local public services/projects and also to new start-up private businesses or to worker-coop businesses – in order to increase the local employment in community-benefiting jobs that serve social and ecological needs.

Help regions & communities
become ecologically sustainable
and economically prosperous

– Provide assistance and loans to environmentally & socially beneficial locally-owned small businesses and community-cooperative enterprises.

– Provide helpful international loans to increase local economic self-reliance and prosperity for all communities and regions.

– Provide assistance for increasing regional and local economic independence, along with equitable-fair global trade.

– Provide assistance for localized food production, food independence, and locally-managed food trade markets.

– Provide assistance and incentives for local and regional soil-regenerative farming, for both small private-owned farms and community farming.

– Provide assistance and incentives for the management of community-local and regional ecosystems, including forest, rivers, wetlands and coastal marine management, and the conservation of surrounding wildlands and natural habitats.

– Provide assistance and incentives to increase clean and renewable energy-independence for local communities and cities.

– Provide assistance and incentives for environmentally sustainable infrastructure of energy supply, economic transport, and digital communication.

– Provide extra assistance for migrant and refugee groups to create environmentally and economically sustainable communities, with full employment towards helping the community and the local ecosystem, or working in a profitable trade or business.

Help regions & communities
adapt to climate-change
and reverse climate-change

– Financially assist poorer nations with low-interest loans and generous aide, in their solutions to global climate-change.

– Financially assist poorer nations in their transition to cleaner energies and fuels.

– Financially assist poorer nations in their projects for increasing natural carbon-capture.

– Financially assist poorer nations in their climate-change preparations, adaptations and resilience.

– Improve local drought and flood resilience, and help agriculture be more climate-resilient.

– With regional and local community engagement, decide on regional climate adaptation strategies and locally-needed climate resilience plans, including disaster risk reduction and emergency response mechanisms.

Provide access
to new technologies
and technical know-how

– Global open access to the needed knowledge, technologies,
and tech-skills for achieving environmentally-sustainability economic progress.

– Financially help poorer nations and communities purchase environmental and life improving technologies, through purchase discounts and no-interest loans.

– Help finance tech-schools and skills-learning, and provide technical support and teachers.

Require more financial assistance
from wealthy corporations

– Multinational Corporations can contribute 10% of their yearly profits to a World Fund for assisting poorer nations with sustainable development and ecological restoration, and this can be collected each year by progressive taxes on corporation's total capital assets along with their capital gains or windfall-gains for that year.

– Corporations can also be proportionately taxed to support national public services, infrastructure, and socially or ecologically needed projects.

– Investment Companies, Banks and Corporations can be tax-incentivized to invest in and provide low-interest loans to ecological & climate helping community-projects and small businesses.

Capital Investments

– Private, Institutional, Corporate, and Government Investments need to be fully informed of all environmental, social, and ethical criticisms, given by independent assessments.

– All investments are encouraged to take account of the environmental, social, and ethical effects of the projects being funded, and make decisions with these considerations in equal par with increasing profit.

– Governments are encouraged to shift the market economy (nationally or locally) in an environmental, social, and ethical direction, for the good of all those who use the economy and for all those who are citizens of that government.

– Governments are encouraged to incentivize Private, Institutional, and Corporate Investments with tax benefits and tax penalties, dependent on the value (pos or neg) given by various environmental, social, and ethical assessments.

Environmentally Responsible
Governments & Economies

Human Rights
& Social Fairness

Globally Cooperative
& Generous Governments

Environmentally Responsible
Governments & Economies

Teaching Social
& Ecological Values

Environmentally Responsible
Governments & Economies

Environmental Goals
for Governments

Protect & Restore
ecosystems and biodiversity

Protect & Restore
water & forest ecosystems

Protect Natural Resources
from overuse & depletion

Protect Oceans & Bays
from pollution & overfishing

Reduce Industrial Pollution
of the air, water, and land

Protect Endangered Wildlife
and preserve natural habitats

Establish Conservation Areas,
wildlife & nature reserves

Protect Natural Beauty,
scenic places & landscapes

Reduce Greenhouse Gases
to reduce climate change

Produce & Use
clean & renewable energies

Increase Recycling
of products & materials

Improve Energy-efficiency
in heating & cooling buildings

Increase Forests & Wetlands
for natural carbon-capture

Improve Agricultural Soils
& increase regenerative farming

Environmental Responsibilities

Governments need to advance:

– environmental and climate protection laws.

– ecological and wildlife protection laws.

– regional and locally managed ecological conservation.

– sustainable use of limited natural resources.

– clean non-polluting energy production and industrial processes.

– business accountability for environmental damages or depletion of public natural resources and natural ecosystems, along with financial accountability for industrial and product carbon-emissions.

– business incentives for restoring and improving natural ecosystems, freshwater sources, wildlife habitats, forests, and farm soils, along with financial incentives for reducing carbon-emissions and for carbon-capturing.

Environmental Protections

– Ensure the Rights of Future Generations to live in a
future-sustained and thriving Natural Environment.

– Establish national and local environmental protective regulations.

– Protect air quality and the ozone.

– Protect freshwater sources, watersheds, and water quality.

– Protect important natural resources: local, regional, national, and global.

– Protect rare and needed mineral resources.

– Protect the Earth's ecosystems and biodiversity.

– Establish nature and wildland conservation areas.

– Protect endangered wildlife and habitats.

– Protect special areas of natural beauty, scenic landscapes, and recognised sacred lands.

– Ensure that economic development projects are environmentally sustainable and unharmful to local ecosystems or to the global climate.

– Establish climate-solving policies, such as penalizing carbon-emissions and incentivizing carbon-capturing.

– Establish special fines & taxes for climate-harming industrial and energy-production emissions.

– Establish special fines & taxes for all industrial toxic-chemicals leaked or allowed into the air, watersheds, or oceans.

Ecological Conservation
and Management

– Provide stewardship and management of the natural environment.

– Protect and restore natural areas, natural ecosystems and wildlife habitats.

– Protect and restore forest, pastoral, and water ecosystems.

– Reverse land and soil degradation, desertification and soil erosion.

– Restore and improve freshwater sources, wetlands, watersheds and aquifers.

– Incentivize local & regional ecological-restoration, tree planting, soil regeneration, watershed and wetlands restoration, with gov funded projects and employment.

– Establish and maintain naturally-regenerative wildlands and nature corridors.

– Establish more biodiversity and wildlife reserves.

– Lawfully protect great wildlife mammals, especially endangered wildlife species, and prevent extinctions; with strong criminal prosecution of offenders.

– Protect wildlife from cruel methods of hunting, trapping, and fishing, that cause extreme, prolonged or avoidable suffering.

– Protect animals from cruelty and avoidable suffering in animal food farming.

– Promote sustainable farming and soil-regeneration, and find ways to complement farmland with natural wildlands and the local ecosystems.

– Promote biodiverse seed conservation.

– Protect and restore coastal marine areas and ocean life.

– Prevent marine eutrophication and ocean acidification.

– Protect ocean-ecosystems and ocean-life by establishing conservation rules and regulations on ocean fishing and other ocean uses.

– Ecologically Manage the use of depleting natural resources from the land and oceans.

– Ecologically Manage the extraction and use of the Earth's non-renewable natural resources, to minimize their depletion and prevent environmental toxic-pollution from their extractive processes.

Protect Oceans & Coastal Waters

– Establish sustainable ocean management, with ocean regulations and protections.

– Protect oceans, bays and marinas from chemical and plastics pollution, untreated sewage and eutrophication, oil spills and fuel spillage.

– Establish marine sanctuaries and protected fish-migration corridors in ecologically vulnerable areas.

– Protect ocean ecosystems, habitats, coral reefs, and important fish colonies from harmful ocean-use; such as eco-harmful fishing practices and the mining of minerals & metals from the ocean bottom.

– Protect oceans & sea-life from bottom-trolling, overfishing, and fish-harming 'by-catch'.

– Promote sustainable & ecologically-responsible ocean fishing, with ocean fishing rules.

– Incentivize ecological & health-quality aquaculture.

Stop Pollution
of the air, water, and land

– Acknowledge that environmental health and a non-polluted environment is a human right.

– Prevent all forms of pollution entering into the air, waters, and land.

– Reduce carbon-emissions, air polluting toxins, atmospheric aerosol loading and ozone depletion.

– Reduce health-harming particles polluting the air, from burning fossil fuels for energy production or industrial operations.

– Reduce acid rainfall caused by sulfur dioxide released into the air by coal power plants and other carbon-emitting operations.

– Reduce air pollution from transportation vehicles and heavy machinery.

– Prevent industrial and power-plant toxic chemicals entering into the air and water.

– Prevent all forms of surface and underground water pollution.

– Safely contain and dispose all environmentally toxic substances accumulated from industrial waste and mining processes.

– Prevent container leakage of any toxic, radioactive, or other health-hazardous substances.

– Prevent industrial, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic chemicals from entering into freshwaters, bays and oceans, and into marine-life food chains.

– Prevent toxic metals from industrial & mining processes, such as mercury, lead, chromium, cadmium, asbestos, and arsenic, from entering into the air, rivers, lakes and groundwater aquifers, bays and oceans, and into marine-life food chains.

– Reduce and phase-out toxic health-damaging herbicides and pesticides, that enter into the water to harm fish life, or enter into the air to harm birds and pollinators.

– Prevent agricultural chemical fertilisers, with nitrates and phosphates, entering rivers, lakes, bays and coastal waters.

– Use effective methods for human-waste containment, treatment and disposal; to prevent fecal pathogens entering drinking water, and reduce eutrophication harmful to water ecologies and fish life.

– Prevent industrial operations and power plants from disposing their excess heat into the water ecosystems of rivers, lakes, or bays.

– Prevent excessive nitrogen-rich nutrients from agricultural runoff and human waste entering rivers, lakes, estuaries, coastal waters and marinas, which kills fish and reduces water quality.

– Improve wastewater treatment of human-waste, and penalize eutrophication-causing agricultural methods that use nitrates and phosphates.

– Increase shellfish aquaculture to mitigate eutrophication.

– Prevent pollution of the rivers and oceans with plastic containers, styrofoam, and micro-plastics.

– Encourage consumer recycling of plastics and metals, and rapidly increase recycling industries, local recycling collection centres and effective recycling-separation systems; in order to minimize the amount of plastics & non-degradable products buried in landfills or discarded into rivers and oceans.

– Store non-recyclable waste-products in special landfills or safe underground containment areas.

– Monitor all kinds of air, water, and land pollution, along with the amounts of carbon added to the atmospheric greenhouse.

– Make pollution-emitting industries financially accountable, through special fines or taxes, for the degree of toxic chemicals released into the air, water or land, which harms ecosystems and negatively affects human health.

Reduce & Reverse

Reduce carbon-emissions

Reduce global greenhouse gases
by reducing carbon-emissions

Produce and use
clean & renewable energies

Economically incentivize
clean & renewable
energy production & use

Reduce carbon-emissions
from industrial operations

Capture industrial carbon-emissions
and store the carbon underground
or use it to produce new products

Reduce carbon-emissions
from industries & energy-production
by carbon-taxing or by cap-n-trade

Reduce carbon-emissions
from military operations

Reduce carbon-emissions
from transportation vehicles

Economically incentivize
clean & low-emission
transportation vehicles
and industrial machinery

Apply economic incentives
to reduce the consumer use
of carbon-emitting products

Incentivize energy-efficiency
of heating & cooling in buildings

Stop methane leaks from fossil fuel
extraction & from natural gas pipes

Reduce methane emissions
from industrial animal farming
and from landfill bio-waste

Adequately bury landfills and
compost manure & farm waste

Use anaerobic digesters
to make fertilizers & bio-fuels
from farm & landfill waste

Increase natural carbon-capture

Restore and increase
forests & wildlands

Plant more trees & vegetation
in prairies & pastoral lands

Bury or compost
decaying plants & trees

Add more organic material
into agricultural soils

Restore and improve
wetlands & estuaries

Restore and increase
ocean plant life

Incentivize local employment
to plant forests & add compost to soils

Incentivize corporate investments
in natural carbon-capture projects
with tax-breaks or carbon-offset credits

Protect & Increase Forests

– Acknowledge the important social & economic values of forests:
* the economic resource value
* the ecological, biodiversity & habitat value
* the carbon-capture value
* the aesthetic enjoyment value

– Protect and conserve native forests.

– Create more protected forest reserves.

– Restore previous forests (reforestation),
Plant new forests (afforestation)
Improve current forests.

– Plant more trees in public lands, parks, corridors, neighborhoods, and rurally owned land.

– Create more forest recreation areas, with hiking & biking trails, fishing & boating, camping & dayuse, explorational education, and peaceful retreat groves.

– Large forests should be maintained and managed by the local indigenous people, or by the local community, or by ecologically responsible businesses.

Improve Farming Soils
and their carbon-capture capacity

– Improve the soil texture, humus, microbiome, nutrients, aeration, moisture, and pH balance.

– Add into the soil composted food & plant wastes, aged animal manures, and organic biofertilizers.

– Plant off-season soil-enriching and nitrogen-giving cover crops.

– Use crop rotation and rotate fallow areas.

– Reduce soil compaction and soil erosion.

– Minimize soil tillage, in order to reduce soil erosion, nutrient runoff, loss of soul moisture, and carbon-release into the atmosphere.

– Cover the ground surface between planted crops with mulches and previous crop wastes, in order to improve the soil structure and porosity, increase the soil's organic matter and soil moisture, reduce evaporation and soil erosion, and help fix CO2 in the soil.

– Intersperse farming land with native plants, fruit & nut trees, and small fast-growth forests, in order to increase moisture and rain in the area, and to decrease flooding, soil erosion and desertification.

– Economically incentivize soil-improving inputs and methods, and economically penalize soil-degrading inputs and methods.

– Farm subsidies and loans should require soil-improving and carbon-capturing methods.

– Economically incentivize the collection of food & plant waste from local urban & rural areas, along with animal manure from local farms & ranches, and build community-scale composting facilities.

* Environmentally Responsible Economics *

Market-guiding Economic Policies

Government economic policies
should be guided by
ecological & climate needs

– Governments need to economically guide free-market activities and private investment towards achieving a healthy and sustainable natural environment.

– Create economic penalties to discourage businesses from harming the public environment, human living conditions, natural ecosystems or the global climate, and to discourage capital investment in business that engage in such harms.

– Create economic incentives to encourage capital investment in businesses and projects that help improve ecological, climate, and human living conditions. [negatively] -- protective laws, fines, and tax penalties, or [positively] -- tax breaks, rebates, subsidies, or contracts.

– Reduce industrial pollution and resource depletion by making industries economically-accountable for their environmental damages and depletion of public natural resources.

– Ensure that industrial activities are economically-accountable for any long-distance and long-term harms to the public environment and human health, to natural ecosystems and resources, to the global climate, or to local communities.

– Require multinational corporations and international financial organizations to act transparently for the good of environmental and ecological health, climate stabilization, and for improving human living conditions, sustainable communities, cities and regions.

– Create banking-regulations requiring all government-reserve protected banks to give higher loan-rating points and lower interest-rates for businesses or projects that provide current or long-term benefits to the environment or to human well-being, while giving lower loan-rating points and higher interest-rates to those businesses or projects that have negative long-term effects on the environment or to human well-being.

– In order to determine the approval-ranking of a proposed loan, as compared with other proposed loans, each proposed loan is given higher or lower loan-rating points, depending on a ratio of its environmental, human and future Benefits compared to its environmental, human and future Costs. This loan-qualifying ratio and its correlated loan-rating points can also determine the offered interest-rate for each proposed loan, in which a higher benefits-to-costs ratio determines a lower interest-rate, while a lower benefits-to-costs ratio determines a higher interest-rate.

Economic Penalties
for Environmental Harms

Business fines or tax-penalties
for damages to ecosystems or the climate

– Governments need to establish protective laws, fines, and special taxes to make businesses financially accountable for business activities that directly or indirectly cause harmful consequences to the environment, natural resources, ecosystems or climate.

– Environmental Costs (including ecological and climate-change costs, waste-disposal costs, and resource-depletion costs), due to business activities or products, must be internalized into the business' profit/costs accounting, and these environmental costs should be paid to the government or to the affected communities.

– Internalize into the selling price, the full environmental costs of sold products; thus influencing purchasing & consumption to shift towards environmentally-beneficial products.

– Climate-harming costs from carbon emissions can be paid by carbon-taxes, emission-penalties, or by a required purchasing of carbon-credits in a government directed cap-and-trade market.

Economic Incentives
for Environmental Improvements

Business tax-reductions, rebates, subsidies, or gov contracts
for improving ecosystems or reducing climate-change

– Incentivize clean and renewable energy production, clean fuels, clean energy technologies, and reliable energy infrastructure.

– Incentivize environmentally-sustainable production and consumption.

– Incentivize the development and available supply of environmentally-friendly and climate-helpful industrial technologies & consumer products.

– Incentivize the industrial use of emission-reducing and emission-capturing technologies.

– Incentivize the consumer use of environmentally-friendly and climate-helpful products.

– Incentivize the recycling and reuse of plastics, metals, and other non-degradable products, and incentivize local recycling collection systems, effective separation methods, and material-recycling businesses.

– Incentivize community projects and businesses that increase natural carbon-capture.

– Incentivize soil regeneration, organic farming, and local sustainable food production.

– Incentivize an increase, restoration, and stewardship of forests, wildlands, and nature reserves (public or private owned).

– Incentivize the ecological restoration, improvement and maintenance of coastal marine and wetland areas.

– Incentivize ocean cleanup and ocean carbon-capture projects.

– Incentivize corporate investments in natural carbon-capture projects, with tax-breaks & carbon-offset credits.

– Incentivize banks to help fund, with low-interest loans, community projects and businesses that help mitigate or reverse climate-change, improve the farming soil, or improve the local ecosystems.

– Incentivize banks to help fund, with low-interest loans, community projects and businesses that provide a needed service or benefit to a community or to the larger society.

Teaching Social
& Ecological Values

Human Rights
& Social Fairness

Globally Cooperative
& Generous Governments

Environmentally Responsible
Governments & Economies

Teaching Social
& Ecological Values

Teaching Social
& Ecological Values

Teach Social & Ecological Values

through education and global media

– Governments and educational institutions can encourage and teach peaceful social values and environmental values.

– Teach social & ecological values that support the long-term health & flourishing of human communities and ecological systems.

– Educate through global media to raise awareness of ecological problems and social problems needing to be solved.

– In colleges/universities teach a model of economics and business, in which broad social & environmental benefits are the Central-Priority Goals; rather than profit and wealth-accumulation for those companies or investment groups.

Teach Social Values

– Teach basic human rights and respect for personal freedoms, without prejudice or discrimination towards any gender, race, ethnic, religious, cultural, or political groups.

– Teach respect for the inherent dignity of all human beings, including their physical & emotional needs and their intellectual & creative potentials.

– Teach children to treat all people with respect, care and consideration, without prejudice against any gender, race, ethnicity, religion or culture.

– Teach the social value of nonviolence, compassion, caring, and cooperation.

– Teach the ideal of peaceful communities and social relations.

– Teach peaceful methods for resolving social conflicts and disputes.

– Teach children self-responsibility and encourage them to help others.

– Teach young men to treat women with personal respect and protect them from sexual abuse.

– Teach the value of family planning and methods of natural birth control, to help with maintaining a sustainable local population.

– Offer knowledge of various moral and spiritual teachings from worldwide cultures.

– Encourage the development & unfoldment of each person's human potentials & talents.

Teach Environmental Values

– Recognize life's interrelatedness and interdependency.

– Respect the Earth and the diversity of life

– Acknowledge the need for environmental-ecological caring and stewardship.

– Consider the environmental needs of future generations in all present decisions & actions.

– Teach the knowledge and skills needed for an ecologically-sustainable way of life.

– Learn from traditional indigenous knowledge about how to sustainably live in cooperation with the local natural ecology.

– Teach ecological sciences and ecological sustainability, and the practical knowledge for ecological sustainability.

– Teach respect and protection of special places of natural, cultural and spiritual significance.

– Teach and encourage an ethical non-cruel treatment of animals in animal-food farming and in science experiments.

Teach a Global Perspective

– encourage students to think about and envision the future, along with creative solutions for global problems

– affirm each student's capacity to shape the future

– teach how all people are interconnected in many ways

– teach how global problems and issues are interrelated

– teach concern for all people and the whole planet

– teach about the difficulties of many people & regions

– teach to see from the perspective of different people

– teach respect for cultural diversity and ethnic heritage

– teach how people affect the local and global environment

– teach how people are affected by their environment

– teach stewardship of the Earth, ecology, land, water, and air

– teach indigenous cultural attitudes of respecting and caring for nature

– teach the principles of human rights and the need to protect people's safety

– teach about the essential needs of all people everywhere globally

Teach Humanity's
Shared Needs & Values

Teach the Values of:

– International Peacebuilding, Diplomacy, and Cooperation

– Non-violence, Safe Communities, and Peaceful Relations

– Human Rights and Civil Freedoms

– Fair Economics and Equal Opportunities

– Healthcare and Education for Everyone

– Nutritious Food, Clean Water, and Safe Shelter

– Environmental & Climate Protection

– Preserving Biodiversity & Wildlife

Outline of
World Values
UN World Pact
for the Future
Goals & Activities
of the United Nations
UN Guidelines
& Proposals
5 Global Needs

5 Global Needs

World Peace
resolving conflicts peacefully

Global Cooperation
in solving common problems

Economic Generosity
to help others have a better life

Human Rights & Freedoms
for all people and diverse groups

Stewardship of the Earth
protecting ecosystems & habitats