World Values

UN Pact for the Future

an organized summary of the full UN Pact for the Future

Shorter Outline of
Pact for the Future


  1. We gather to address the profound global challenges facing humanity, including existential risks and avoidable suffering, and are committed to setting a course towards a future that is safe, sustainable, and inclusive for all.
  2. We recognize that global problems are interconnected and cannot be solved without international cooperation, multilateralism, and an effective United Nations.
  3. We reaffirm our commitment to sustainable development, international law, peace and human rights,
  4. We resolve to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, solve climate change, prevent biodiversity loss, protect vital ecosystems, financially help poorer communities and developing countries, uphold the UN Charter, and achieve a peaceful and just world.

I.   Improving the UN and Global Cooperation
II.   International Peace and Security
III.  Reforming Financial Institutions
IV.  Science, Technology and Digital Cooperation
V.   Youth and Future Generations
Annex → UN Declaration on Future Generations

Improving the UN and Global Cooperation

  1. Positive reforms are needed to make the UN more inclusive, representative, fair, impartial, and effective towards the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and help advance human rights, fair opportunities, a peaceful life and a sustainable environment for present and future generations.
  2. Global institutions need to be more representative and effective in helping achieve a world that is safe, peaceful, just, equal, inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous.
  3. International cooperation must be strengthened to address the critical global challenges that threaten humanity and future generations.

UN Values and Goals

  1. Global Peace and Security
  2. International Cooperation
  3. Human Rights and Freedoms
  4. Social Equality and Inclusive Opportunities
  5. Humanitarian and Healthcare Assistance
  6. Education and Employment Opportunities
  7. Sustainable Economic Development
  8. Responsible Industries and Technologies
  9. Protecting Ecosystems and Climate
  10. Protecting Rights of Future Generations

Improving UN Effectiveness

  1. Strengthen the effectiveness and coordination of the General Assembly, Human Rights Council, Economic and Social Council, World Food Programme, UN Children's Fund, UN Environment Programme, and the Peacebuilding Commission.
  2. Strengthen collaboration between the UN System of Funds, Programmes and Specialized Agencies with global financial institutions, multinational corporations, governments, civil society organizations and alliances.
  3. Strengthen financing for the UN System and its international activities, for the good of all nations, for the shared good of developing a sustainable long-term ecological world, creating international peace and disarmament, and helping those in need.
  4. Strengthen financing for the UN development system and its country and local coordinators, for the good of helping the most needy and advancing communities in sustainable development.
  5. Strengthen financing for the Human Rights Council and human rights mechanisms working cooperatively with civil society global civil rights groups.
  6. Ensure that all aspects of the UN System and its affiliated global institutions are inclusive, representative, transparent, fair and effective in their decision-making processes, policies and activities, in addressing current global problems and being prepared for the future.
  7. Ensure the selection process for the Secretary-General and all UN executive heads is guided by merit, transparency, inclusiveness, and regional rotation.
  8. Strengthen the UN Environment Assembly to accelerate implementation and compliance with multilateral environmental agreements.
  9. Improve UN engagement and partnerships with national, regional and local governing representatives and civil society organizations, and strengthen global and stakeholder participation in UN processes.
  10. Advance civil society initiatives, such as: a World Citizens’ Initiative, a UN Parliamentary Assembly, a permanent Global Citizens’ Assembly and a UN Civil Society Envoy.
  11. Strengthen international governance of outer space and with private owned businesses to address the issues of space traffic and debris, and to ensure its peaceful, safe, and equitable use.
  12. Strengthen UN capacities and emergency platforms for responding effectively to global emergencies and shocks.

Global Commitments for a Better Future

  1. We will protect the needs of present and future generations, through the actions agreed in this Pact for the Future.
  2. We will strengthen international cooperation and multilateral agreements, to solve the major environmental, ecological, climate, and human problems of our present world.
  3. We will prioritize global environmental protection and sustainable economic development.
  4. We will seize the opportunity to build a sustainable future, through advances in science, technology and innovation.
  5. We will eradicate extreme poverty and build a world that is sustainable, peaceful, safe, inclusive, just, and resilient.
  6. We will cooperatively work to solve the global crises of climate change and ecological destruction, and we will support developing countries to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change.
  7. We reaffirm the UN Charter commitment to protecting future generations from the scourge of war, and we will use all instruments of diplomacy to resolve disputes peacefully and apply international law to end impunity.
  8. We reaffirm the fundamental protections and freedoms enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and we promote diversity, universal rights and equality for all people.
  9. We uphold gender equality and woman's rightful participation in governing decisions, and we pledge to eliminate all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls.
  10. We reaffirm our agreement to sustainable development, peace and security, human rights, and protecting the natural environment for all generations.

International Peace and Security

  1. The global security landscape is worsening with continuing wars, nuclear risks, and escalations of military spending.
  2. The UN can solve these problems through peace diplomacy, organized disarmament, and multilateral cooperative agreements.

Peace and Security Agreements

  1. Agree to the need for international peace and an end to military conflicts.
  2. Agree to International Laws, the UN Charter, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  3. Agree to not use (or threaten) military force against any state's territorial integrity or political independence.
  4. Agree to solve all international disputes and conflicts by peaceful diplomatic negotiations, supported by UN mediation.
  5. Address all threats to international peace and security, especially the risk of using nuclear weapons.

Peace and Security Institutions

  1. Support decisions of the International Court of Justice.
  2. Enhance the General Assembly's contribution to global peace and security, and improve dialogue between the General Assembly and the Security Council.
  3. Increase the authority of Human Rights Declarations upon international conflicts, peace and security. .
  4. Reform the Security Council to be more effective at peacefully resolving international military conflicts and maintaining international peace and human security.

Security Council Reforms

  1. Reaffirm the Security Council's major purposes and mandates, as stated in the UN Charter.
  2. Improve the Security Council's relationship, dialogue, and cooperation with the General Assembly, the Peacebuilding Commission, and the Economic and Social Council.
  3. Ensure the Security Council's accountability by improving General Assembly access to the deliberations and planned actions of the Security Council and its subsidiary organs.
  4. Support efforts of the Security Council to review and improve its working methods, including its penholding and co-penholding arrangements.
  5. Strengthen the Security Council's commitment and effectiveness to peacefully resolve international disputes in order to maintain global peace and security, and especially to prevent genocide, crimes against humanity, or war crimes.
  6. Reform the Security Council membership rules to make it more globally representative, increasing a rotational representation from the developing countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America, AsiaPacific and Caribbean islands; while also ensuring the Council's efficiency and effectiveness.
  7. Reform the Security Council rules so that a permanent member cannot veto a resolution to prevent or halt genocide, crimes against humanity, or war crimes.
  8. Reform the Security Council rules so that if a permanent member is involved in a particular war or dispute, it cannot veto a resolution to condemn or impose restrictions on its own activities in that war or dispute.

Peace Operations

  1. Employ UN Peace Operations to current and potential conflict situations, and coordinate the 4 branches of: Peacemaking, Peacekeeping, Peacebuilding, and Post-conflict Recovery operations.
    1. Create a UN Peace Operations toolbox for peace mediation, conflict-prevention, and peacebuilding.
    2. Support African-led peace operations and all regional and local peace operations.
  1. Employ Peacemaking Teams to help resolve conflicts in progress, through diplomacy mediation and negotiated agreements, and to coordinate with other peacemaking actors, envoys and local peace organizations.
    1. Develop Peace Mediation Teams to mediate conflict-resolution negotiations and help end all wars.
    2. Strengthen all diplomatic peacemaking mechanisms to prevent and resolve conflicts, and collaborate with civil society peace organisations.
    3. Strengthen conflict-prevention measures to prevent tensions and disputes from escalating into violence or armed conflict, by applying early-warning information gathering and analysis of the factors underlying a potential armed conflict.
    4. Promote preventive diplomacy and peaceful settlement of disputes, and collaborate with regional and local organizations.
  1. Employ Peacekeeping Operations, including a UN Peacekeeping Force if authorized by the Security Council, to enforce a ceasefire or peace agreement, and to protect human rights and civilians, especially women and children.
  2. Employ Peacebuilding Teams for overall conflict management and conflict prevention, aiming to reduce conflict tensions, avoid armed conflict, and help build sustainable peace and human security.
    1. Develop Peacebuilding Teams to promote peaceful international, inter-tribal, inter-racial, and inter-religious relations in collaboration with local and global peace organizations.
    2. Promote dialogue, understanding, and positive relations between all nations, cultures, and religions, and support peacebuilding through outreach programmes and social media.
    3. Enhance the role of the Peacebuilding Commission in all key discussions and activities concerning global peace and security.
  1. Establish Post-conflict Recovery Operations to assist nations and communities harmfully impacted by war and violence, including the expansion of Restorative Justice programmes in coordination with local peace and justice organizations.

Women & Youth in Peace Processes

  1. Include women and youth in all mechanisms, decisions and activities involving peace and security, especially women and youth residing in areas of armed conflict.
  2. Increase efforts to achieve gender equality in peace and security activities.
  3. Recognize the role of women as agents of peace, ensuring their full and meaningful participation in decision-making, mediation, and peace processes.
  4. Recognize the important role of youth in promoting international peace and security, and ensure youth participation in all levels of peacemaking and peacebuilding, including youth opportunities in UN peace deliberations and operations.

Solving Humanitarian Problems

  1. Increase humanitarian access and assistance to provide food, water and healthcare in conflict areas and in all emergencies. .
  2. Protect humanitarian personnel, and ensure fair justice and accountability for all harms done to people in conflict areas.
  3. Solve the problems of forced displacement and refugees.

Multilateral Disarmament

  1. Uphold current disarmament obligations, while accelerating larger disarmament agreements and reductions in arms trade.
  2. Strive for a world free of nuclear weapons, reaffirming the goal of total nuclear disarmament and preventing nuclear war.
  3. Strengthen the disarmament and non-proliferation architecture, ensuring compliance with international norms and preventing their erosion.
  4. Pursue a world free from chemical and biological weapons, and ensure accountability for any use or leaks.
  5. Prevent the illicit trade of small to large destructive weapons and other military equipment by non-state actors.

Terrorism and Organized Crime

  1. Study and address the root causes of terrorism, and counter terrorism by promoting nonviolent principles throughout all aspects of social and cultural organisations.
  2. Strengthen international cooperation and strategies to combat transnational organized crime and illicit financial flows.
  3. Prevent the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction by non-state actors, and combat illicit trade in small arms, light weapons, and gaps in ammunition management.

Risks of Advancing Military Technologies

  1. Address the potential abuses and global dangers of advanced technologies and artificial intelligence in military systems and in systems of social repression.
  2. Address the risks from rapid technological advances in mass destructive militaries and autonomous weapons, and prevent an arms race in outer space.
  3. Address the risks from misuses of digital information-communications technologies and artificial intelligence.
  4. Address the potential abuses and global dangers of advanced technologies and artificial intelligence in military systems and in systems of social repression.

Militaries and the Global Environment

  1. Address challenges to peace and security posed by climate change and environmental impacts, ensuring UN bodies consider these implications in peace operations.
  2. Study the impacts of climate and environmental adversity on international peace and security, and recognize the impacts of military operations and wars on climate and the environment.
  3. Ensure that military spending does not hinder investment in sustainable development and peace, and request analysis of military expenditure's impact on the SDGs.

Reforming Financial Institutions

  1. International Financial Institutions must be guided by the principles of long-term environmental sustainability, human rights, social freedoms, fair justice, and prosperity for all.
  2. International Financial Institutions need to make reforms, in order to effectively provide the needed financing for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals for a more inclusive, just, and sustainable world.

Priorities for International Financial Institutions

  1. Accelerate achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, the 2030 Agenda, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the 2023 SDG Political Declaration, the Rio Declaration and the Paris Agreement, addressing hunger, poverty, human rights, climate change, pollution, and degrading ecosystems.
  2. Prioritize financial assistance and lending to developing countries and to SDG projects and businesses that benefit the global environment, climate, and communities in need.
  3. Ensure that global development aligns with environmental sustainability, human rights and social equality, especially promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women.
  4. Support international efforts to build peaceful, just and inclusive societies, with human rights, fundamental freedoms, and equal justice for all.
  5. Promote sustainable production, fair international trade, and responsible consumption.

Environmental and Climate Priorities

  1. Protect and conserve natural ecosystems and the physical environment, and ensure that natural resources are used sustainably.
  2. Invest in clean industries, clean energy, climate solutions, circular economies, green businesses, and technologies, to protect the natural environment and help solve the climate problem.
  3. Prioritize financial assistance to climate-vulnerable communities, to mitigate climate change impacts and improve their climate resilience and risk management.
  4. Increase climate and ecology financing from Multilateral Development Banks and from corporate investors, for the most vulnerable developing countries.
  5. Promote circular economies, to use fewer natural resources and produce less waste and emissions.

Financial Assistance for Developing Countries

  1. Ensure that global financial institutions can assist countries in financial crises or instability.
  2. Provide humanitarian assistance to those in urgent need.
  3. Increase financial assistance and concessional loans from multilateral development banks for developing countries, to increase their sustainable development and reduce their poverty.
  4. Reduce the SDG financing gap in underdeveloped countries, to eliminate extreme poverty and food/water insecurity.
  5. Improve food supply chains and access to food, and manage market volatility.
  6. Increase financing for sustainable local agriculture.

Reforms in the Global Financial System

  1. Improve the international financial system to be more inclusive and representative of developing countries.
  2. Increase representation from developing countries on IMF and World Bank Boards.
  3. Improve equitable fairness in the debt architecture of the IMF, World Bank, and other international financial institutions.
  4. Improve financial support, credit-access, and debt-transparency for countries with high and unsustainable debt burdens.
  5. Engage credit-rating agencies to improve developing countries' access to concessional finance and sustainable credit.
  6. Strengthen the global financial safety net by providing IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) to developing countries.

Reforms in Financial Policies and Priorities

  1. Develop indicators to measure economic development and progress, not just by GDP but by the benefits and improvements to people, society, communities, the environment, ecosystems, and climate.
  2. Ensure that underdeveloped countries and communities have equitable access to needed capital and resources for eliminating food/water insecurity, reducing poverty, developing sustainable economies, and advancing economic prosperity.
  3. Prioritize financial assistance and lending to developing countries and to SDG projects and businesses that benefit the global environment, climate, and communities in need.
  4. Create economic policies to financially incentivize businesses and projects that produce ecological and social benefits, and disincentivize businesses and projects that produce ecological or social harm.
  5. Invest in sustainable development projects and businesses, rather than non-sustainable business endeavors for short-term profits.
  6. Divest from ecological and community-harmful businesses and projects, then reinvest this capital into ecological and community-benefiting businesses and projects.
  7. Divest from carbon-emitting and ecological-destructive businesses and projects, and divest from the military industries that harm ecologies, air, water, land, and climate.

Science, Technology and Digital Cooperation

  1. Science, technology, and innovation hold great potential for advancing UN goals and benefiting the whole world.
  2. International cooperation and partnerships are essential to bridge the technological and digital divide between developed and developing nations.
  3. We need to ensure that digital technologies, including AI, contribute to an inclusive, equitable, and sustainable future, rather than worsen economic inequalities.

Apply Science & Technology to benefit people and planet

  1. Promote a responsible, safe, sustainable and inclusive technological future.
  2. Apply science and emerging technologies, including digital technologies and artificial intelligence, for social and environmental benefits and for achieving the sustainable development goals.
  3. Support developing countries in building their science, technology, and innovation capacities.
  4. Foster creative innovation and competition in the technology industry.
  5. Uphold intellectual property rights to support innovation and facilitate technology transfer to developing countries.
  6. Foster international collaboration in scientific research and technological innovation to address global challenges and inform policy-making.
  7. Develop multi-stakeholder cooperation among governments, international businesses and financial institutions, scientific and technology communities, civil society advocacy and non-profit organizations to advance a responsible, inclusive, ethical, safe and secure digital future for the benefit of all people and our planet.

Ensuring Ethical Uses of Technologies & Digital Capacities

  1. Adopt a forward-looking approach capable of identifying, anticipating, assessing, and monitoring both the potential benefits and risks of emerging technologies and digital applications.
  2. Adopt a responsible, accountable, transparent and human-centric approach to the development and use of emerging technologies and digital applications, and maintain some level of cooperative oversight and review.
  3. Agree to ethical standards and baseline regulations for impactful technologies, especially ensuring human rights and ecological protections.
  4. Ensure responsible and ethical uses of science and new technologies, in alignment with global goals.
  5. Ensure that uses of technology do not harm people or communities, or cause social inequalities or gender injustice.
  6. Ensure that uses of technology do not harm the environment, ecosystems or climate.
  7. Solve the sustainability problems of technological and digital infrastructure by reducing the use of non-renewable resources, along with reducing carbon emissions and e-waste in the processes of production, delivery and consumption.
  8. Strengthen cybersecurity to protect global digital infrastructures and communication systems.
  9. Ensure that freedom of speech and social outreach, through digital communication, is not suppressed or censored unless particular instances are transparently proven to be inciting violence.
  10. Ensure that digital technologies and artificial intelligence are not used for public surveillance in violation of personal and social privacy and freedoms.

Equitable Access to Science and Technology

Problem: Many people and communities lack access to beneficial digital technologies and services, resulting in further global inequalities and digital divides.
Problem: Participation in and benefits from the emerging digital economy is currently concentrated in developed countries and in wealthier economic groups.
Reality: Equitable inclusion in the digital economy will require existing concentrations of technological capacity and market power to generously share some of their capacities to less-wealthy communities and economies.
  1. Bridge the technology and innovation gap between developed and developing countries.
  2. Close digital divides within and between countries, advancing an equitable digital economy that is accessible to all.
  3. Increase access to scientific knowledge, beneficial technologies and technological skills in developing countries.
  4. Increase affordable technologies and services for social and environmental benefits.
  5. Agree that access to beneficial technologies is a human right.
  6. Address gender discrimination in access to digital technologies and close the gender digital divide, to empower women and girls education, dialogue and participation in digital spaces.
  7. Ensure that digital technologies benefit vulnerable populations, including empowering persons with disabilities through accessible technology.
  8. Improve access to new scientific knowledge and beneficial technologies for indigenous communities, complementing their traditional practices.

Youth and Future Generations

  1. Recognize that our present actions will significantly impact children, youth, and future generations.
  2. Recognize the needs and rights of future generations.
  3. Recognize young people as positive contributors for shaping policies involving their future.
  4. Agree to a Declaration for Future Generations.

Rights of Future Generations

  1. Recognize the Rights of Future Generations and Intergenerational Justice as fundamental human rights.
  2. Recognize the rights of young people and future generations to inherit a sustainable healthy environment and a peaceful world with positive life opportunities.
  3. Address the impacts of climate change and environmental challenges on young people’s rights.
  4. Ensure that UN and international policies intelligently consider the long-term impacts on future generations.
  5. Ensure that all levels of government decision-making address the needs and interests of future generations alongside current generations, promoting intergenerational equity.
  6. Agree that current governing decisions should lead towards a sustainable ecological, safe and enjoyable world for future generations.

Rights and Needs of Young People

  1. Protect the human rights of all young people and children, protecting them from violence, harm, discrimination, child labor and child trafficking.
  2. Invest in the human development and education of children and youth.
  3. Invest in early-childhood and youth-related social services, and improve equitable access to healthcare, education and skills development.
  4. Prioritize the rights and protections of young women and girls, and ensure their equitable educational and economic opportunities.

Economic Needs for Youth

  1. Recognize the need for improving the economic opportunities for youth and the next generations.
  2. Create future-sustainable jobs and decent livelihoods for youth, especially prioritizing youth now in poverty.
  3. Invest in youth skills-development for the evolving future job market.
  4. Enhance economic opportunities for young persons with disabilities through assistive technologies.

Opportunities for Youth Participation

  1. Recognize young people as the rightful representatives of future generations, who ought to be involved in decision making.
  2. Include youth representatives as positive contributors in shaping government policies for environmental protections and sustainable development.
  3. Increase youth representation and participation across the UN System, at all levels of governance, in all global discussions and in all international policy decisions that impact future generations.
  4. Include youth delegates in representative delegations and assemblies.
  5. Increase participation of youth from developing countries in UN meetings and global activities.
  6. Strengthen intergenerational dialogue and collaboration between newer and older generations.
  7. Encourage and support youth-led initiatives and youth-led organizations for achieving a sustainable and prosperous future.

Youth Participation in the UN System

  1. Establish a Futures Council to support the implementation of this Declaration and to annually review and publicize its progress.
  2. Establish a Youth Council to represent the needs and interests of future generations.
  3. Establish a Global Youth Forum for enhancing youth engagement and dialogue in all countries and within the UN System.
  4. Establish a Youth Envoy for Future Generations:
    1. to represent and give voice to the existential needs and the just civil and economic rights of future generations;
    2. to participate in all kinds of UN discussions relevant to future generations;
    3. to lead organized efforts to build international youth discussions about the needs of future generations.
  5. The Envoy and Council can be chosen by a global democratic process in which any person and in any place of the world, without discrimination, has an opportunity to be a candidate for this selection, in a global-wide process of youth dialogue groups and regional conferences on the needs of the future. At these conferences the futures representatives will be decided.
  6. The Envoy and Council for Future Generations will have advisory and advocacy functions, such as:
  1. Representing and advocating for the needs and interests of future generations across the UN system and in intergovernmental and multi-stakeholder processes.
  2. Ensuring long-term thinking and foresight, with research and analysis, regarding of the future risks, challenges and opportunities of UN and intergovernmental proposals and policies.
  3. Raising awareness of and advising on the scientifically predicted future impacts of proposals, policies and programmes under consideration.
  4. Facilitating coordination and collaboration with the Futures Lab network and the science advisory mechanism.
  5. Sharing best practices among peer institutions, committees and networks for future generations.
  6. Supporting Member States by serving as a focal point for efforts to embed future generations and long-term thinking in global, national and subnational policymaking processes and channeling capacity-building resources to that end.

UN Declaration for the Future


  1. We reaffirm our commitment to future generations in the principles of the UN Charter, Human Rights, and Sustainable Development Goals.
  2. We recognize the impact of current choices and actions on future generations, necessitating responsible and future-thinking actions.
  3. We emphasize the need for intergenerational dialogue in decision-making processes that affect the future.

Rights of Future Generations

  1. Recognize the Rights of Future Generations and Intergenerational Justice as fundamental human rights.
  2. Recognize the rights of young people and future generations to inherit a sustainable healthy environment and a peaceful world with positive life opportunities.
  3. Address the impacts of climate change and environmental challenges on young people’s rights.
  4. Ensure that UN and international policies intelligently consider the long-term impacts on future generations.
  5. Ensure that all levels of government decision-making address the needs and interests of future generations alongside current generations, promoting intergenerational equity.
  6. Agree that current governing decisions should lead towards a sustainable ecological, safe and enjoyable world for future generations.

Goals for the Future

  1. Ensure a healthy and sustainable environment for future generations.
  2. Prevent environmental and ecological degradation, and support climate-change solutions and resilience.
  3. Build international peace and security for all generations.
  4. Create international laws that protect all people and all generations.
  5. Promote sustainable economic development for all people and all communities.
  6. Eliminate extreme poverty and reduce economic inequalities.
  7. Protect equal human rights and civil freedoms for all people.
  8. Ensure opportunities for inclusive participation by all people and cultures in decision-making processes, without any social discrimination.
  9. Apply science and innovative technologies to build a prosperous future for all generations.
  10. Build inclusive, transparent and effective global institutions for future generations.


  1. Reverse the degradation of ecosystems to ensure a healthy and sustainable environment for current and future generations.
  2. Implement effective environmental and climate solutions, along with measures to reduce disaster-risk and build resilience.
  3. Promote global peace, nonviolence, and human rights.
  4. Invest in sustainable and inclusive economic development.
  5. Ensure food and water security, reduce poverty and inequalities, and address the specific needs of vulnerable or struggling populations.
  6. Address the interlinkages between issues of development, population and migration across all regions.
  7. Promote gender equality, eliminate gender discrimination, eliminate violence and abuse against women, and increase women's leadership in societies.
  8. Protect cultural diversity and heritage, especially protecting the cultures, rights and properties of Indigenous Peoples, and foster intercultural and interreligious dialogue.
  9. Promote a better future for all generations by increasing the equitable access to:
    1. quality healthcare, therapeutics, medicines, mental health and counseling services.
    2. education, digital learning, vocational training, sports and arts.
    3. beneficial technologies for sustainable economic advancement.

Needed Actions

  1. Safeguard the needs and interests of future generations.
  2. Encourage long-term future-oriented thinking and planning throughout the United Nations and all levels of governance.
  3. Apply science-based predictions, regarding the future impacts of current policies and planning.
  4. Strengthen disaster risk-management and resilience, with a priority to protect the most vulnerable populations.
  5. Promote intergenerational dialogue and decision-making, share best practices, and develop innovative, long-term, forward-thinking policies.
  6. Evaluate economic development & progress by its social and ecological benefits, rather than by a limited measurement of GDP.
  7. Ensure inclusive access to education, vocational and life skills, while fostering critical thinking and creative innovation.
  8. Enhance dialogue and cooperation with all stakeholders, including civil society, academia, the scientific and technological community, and the private sector of business and investment.
  9. Establish a Special Envoy for Future Generations and a Future Advocating Council, to support the implementation of this Declaration and to annually review and publicize its progress.

Economics for a Sustainable Future

  1. Make government policies to economically incentivize businesses and projects that benefit the ecological and social future.
  2. Divest from harmful industries, then Reinvest this capital into a Better Future with social and ecological benefiting industries.
  3. Divest from carbon-emitting and ecological-destructive corporations, enterprises, and projects.
  4. Divest from the military-war industries which perpetuate wars and violence, and harm ecologies, air, water, land, and climate.